Is Puerto Vallarta safe to travel

Is Puerto Vallarta Safe To Travel?

Are you planning to travel to Puerto Vallarta but worried about safety? Let me tell you, you’re not alone. Several tourists have the same question is Puerto Vallarta safe to travel?

Puerto Vallarta is an enchanting city on Mexico’s Pacific coast, is famous for its beautiful beaches, amazing culture, and lively nightlife. It attracts millions of tourists each year. However, like any travel destination, safety is a key concern for visitors.

If you want to know is Puerto Vallarta safe to travel? Which places are safe to travel in Puerto Vallarta and tips for safe travel in Puerto Vallarta. You will get an answer in the blog. Stay tuned!


Is Puerto Vallarta safe? Let’s see what the numbers are saying:

  • The crime index in Puerto Vallarta is considered low at 34.43.
  • The safety scale in Puerto Vallarta is relatively high at 64.63.
  • A crowdsourced global database that tracks perceived crime rates and safety, Puerto Vallarta ranks 108th out of 352 locations.
  • Puerto Vallarta has a 54 rank out of 100, with high ratings for health and medical care access, but low ratings for nighttime safety, physical safety, and basic freedoms.

Is Puerto Vallarta Safe to Travel?

Whenever we travel to a new destination we worry about our safety. Let’s find out if Puerto Vallarta is safe to travel to and what things we should take care of while traveling. 

1. Crimes Rates and Tourist Safety

There is no place in the world where the crime rate is nil and is completely safe. Just like another city Puerto Vallarta has its share of crime. Puerto Vallarta’s crime rate is 35.70/100  the lower number. Still, you have a question is Puerto Vallarta safe? Let’s compare the neighboring cities:

Cities Crime Rate  (Out of 100)
New Orleans, LA67.22
Chicago, IL66.21
Los Angeles, CA53.05
Maui, Hawaii51.18
Miami, FL52.65
New York City, NY50.02

(Source: Numbeo)

Crime rates in Puerto Vallarta are significantly lower than in other major cities of Mexico. Find out the safety in Cancun, Mexico here. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and theft can occur, but violent crimes are rare, especially in crowded areas and at tourist spots. The frequent crime seen is tourists behaving carelessly when drunk but as long as you ignore you will feel safe.

Scams in Puerto Vallarta

At any destination, scams will occur, from minor to major. Here are some common scams to watch out for:

Airport Taxi Scams: Airport taxi scams can be tempting because of the immediate need for transportation. You will be facing pushy individuals outside the terminal offering rides. For a taxi, take an exit from the airport and turn right to find a ticket counter for official taxis or you can arrange airport transfers through your hotel or Airbnb.

The Mustard Scam: This scam happens due to distraction and deception. While you are distracted, their accomplice offers to help clean it off, using the opportunity to steal your phone or wallet. If someone points out something unpleasant on your back, grip your belongings tightly and walk away. Do not allow them to approach or touch you.

The Bump and Steal: This scam is similar to the mustard trick but occurs in grocery stores. While you are busy reading a product label in Spanish, a thief will bump into you, using the distraction to snatch your valuables. These criminals are highly skilled, so stay alert and keep a close watch on your items.

Pickpockets: Pickpockets may not be scammers, but they can still steal your belongings. If you carry a backpack or a large shoulder bag, be cautious in crowded areas. Thieves might cut the bottom of your bag and reach in to grab your wallet or phone without you noticing. To stay safe in Puerto Vallarta, stay aware of your surroundings.

Card Skimmers: Card skimmers are devices designed to steal your ATM or credit card information, allowing scammers to misuse it. If the ATM seems suspicious or loose, avoid using it. This issue is not just happening in Puerto Vallarta; it’s a global concern.

To minimize the risk, it’s advisable to not go to less crowded places, especially at night, avoid flaunting valuables, and be careful while withdrawing money from ATMs. If you are still worried is Puerto Vallarta safe? Yes, it is but it’s important to be cautious. 

2. Food and Drink Safety

A man is cooking and serving food and packing in packets' Packets are putting in trays and on the table

Food safety in Puerto Vallarta’s restaurants is reliable. As long as you see the food being cooked, you will be fine. Street food stalls are usually safe especially if they are crowded with locals. If a stall is less crowded it indicates the off-peak hour or food is not good in quality.

Regarding water, it is purified at its source, but its quality can be uncertain by the time it reaches your tap. You will see most people opt for bottled water over tap water.

Hotels in Puerto Vallarta provide large jugs of water, so no worries. In restaurants, salads are typically rinsed with tap water, but a special chemical is often added to eliminate bacteria, ensuring the salads are safe to eat.

It is possible to get traveler diarrhea in Mexico. Bring some charcoal or Imodium for safety. In many instances, it is suspected that “food poisoning” occurs due to a mix of sun exposure, too much alcohol, and spicy food. So keep this in mind.

3. Beach and Water Safety 

People are enjoying on the beach in puerto vallarta some are sitting on the chair while some are enjoying on the sand

On Puerto Vallarta’s beaches, the sun can be intense. So do not forget to apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and drink an ample amount of water to avoid dehydration and sunburn. If you are planning to go swimming then avoid drinking alcohol, it can disturb your judgement and swimming ability and increase the risk of accidents. Save the drinks for after you are done swimming.

Let’s talk about the water safety. Some of the beaches have lifeguards but some don’t. Some beaches display safety flags if you see the flags do not ignore them. It works as an indicator.

Black: Don’t think about it, so pack up.

Red: Don’t do it, it’s risky.

Yellow: You can go, but be careful.

Green: You can go, enjoy!

As we are in a bay versus the open ocean people think it’s normal; but strong waves may give you surprise. Rip currents can be a risk, and you might also encounter careless individuals on jet skis or inexperienced boat captains. Therefore, it’s important to take personal responsibility when entering the water. If you still worry Is Puerto Vallarta safe? in this case, I will say your judgment matters!

4. Natural Disasters and Environmental Safety

Puerto Vallarta is located in a region prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. While these events are infrequent, it’s important to be prepared:

Hurricanes: The hurricane season in Puerto Vallarta runs from June to November. Hurricane Otis came the closest, striking Acapulco, 437 miles south, in October 2023. So keep an eye on weather forecasts or evacuation notices from local authorities.

Earthquakes: Puerto Vallarta is in an earthquake-prone area. Familiarise yourself with earthquake safety procedures, such as “Drop, Cover, and Hold On,” and know the evacuation routes in your accommodation. Earthquakes can spur tsunamis, especially in oceanside areas like Puerto Vallarta.

Is Puerto Vallarta safe from natural disasters and the environment? Yes, it is safe because its events are infrequent so no worries!

5. Transportation and Travel Safety

Tall trees on the sides of streets and cars and taxis running on the streets and beautiful mountains covered with trees in Puerto Vallarta

Public Transportation: Public transportation is always a good option. The local bus system is an affordable way to get around the city. It can be crowded during peak hours.

Taxis and Ride-Sharing: You will find Taxis easily and are reasonably priced. Make sure you use authorized taxis, which are typically yellow. Ride-sharing services like Uber are also available and considered safe.

Car Rentals: If you have a big budget go for renting a car as it gives you the freedom to explore the surrounding areas. Stick to main roads, avoid driving at night in unfamiliar areas, and make sure you have insurance coverage.

Walking and Biking: Puerto Vallarta’s central areas are pedestrian-friendly. Walking and biking are great ways to explore the city. Use designated paths and be cautious of traffic.

Safest Places to Travel In Puerto Vallarta

As many with other places, the safest places are those which are crowded by many tourists. Same with the Puerto Vallarta. If still, Is Puerto Vallarta safe? The question stuck in your mind here is the list of most secure neighborhoods and accommodations in Puerto Vallarta:

Marina Vallarta 

It is one of the famous tourist spots designed specifically for international visitors to Mexico. It is an attraction to travelers over the years. The Mexican authorities are dedicated to ensuring that this area remains a safe and secure destination, so you can enjoy your time here worry-free.

Romantic Zone (Zone Romantica) 

Cars parked on the streets and a man on a bike on the street and decorated with paper flags

Romantic Zone is the charming and safe area of Puerto Vallarta that’s also welcoming to the LGBTQ community. This stunning neighborhood offers excellent dining, art, and the rich cultural experiences that Mexico is celebrated for.

Nuevo Vallarta 

Tall trees at the side of beach and has clean and clear water and clear sky

It is located just across the state border in Nayarit, in Banderas Bay is considered one of the safest areas in the region. It’s a favorite among American tourists, because of its welcoming locals and diverse array of wildlife along Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Hotel Zone (Zona Hotelera)  

The Hotel Zone in Puerto Vallarta is famous for its inclusive resorts along Mexico’s Pacific coast, which are a major attraction for visitors. This area also features boutique hotels and shopping centers for exploration. It could be a perfect choice for family vacations as it is known for its safety, high tourist presence, and low crime rate.

If you are still worried is Puerto Vallarta safe? Let me tell you according to tourists  Zona Romántica, Malecón (boardwalk), and, Marina Vallarta are safe places to travel in Puerto Vallarta.

Is Puerto Vallarta Safe to Travel Alone?

Yes, you can travel solo to Puerto Vallarta safely! Here are some tips to help you have a great time and stay safe:

  • Make Friends: Connect with some other people for added safety.
  • Choose Quality Accommodation: Choose good hostels and safe hostels. 
  • Plan Your Route Home: Especially important if you will be out after dark.
  • Avoid Excessive Drinking: Don’t get overdrunk.

Puerto Vallarta offers an amazing solo travel experience with several activities, food, and social opportunities. Enjoy the flexibility to follow your schedule and have fun at your own pace!

Is Puerto Vallarta Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

Yes, Puerto Vallarta is safe for solo female travelers. Here are some key tips to ensure a smooth trip:

  • Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, it probably is.
  • Choose Good Hostels: Look for female-friendly hostels, read reviews, and consider female-only dorms.
  • Dress Conservatively: Dressing modestly helps avoid unwanted attention.
  • Stick to Touristed Areas: Especially if it’s your first solo trip; these areas are generally safer.
  • Report Any Issues: If you are bothered, speak up and seek help.

Puerto Vallarta is a great destination for first-time solo female travelers, offering a safe and enjoyable experience. Just remember to use common sense and stay alert. 

Tips for Safe Travel in Puerto Vallarta

Is Puerto Vallarta safe to travel? The answer is yes! If you follow these essential tips while traveling to Puerto Vallarta trip will be a memorable experience for you:

  • Use ATMs during the day and stay aware of your surroundings. Notice if anyone seems to be watching you.
  • Avoid getting excessively drunk. Being in control helps prevent situations where you might be taken advantage of.
  • Avoid engaging with drug dealers and buying illegal substances.
  • Don’t swim after drinking it’s risky for you.
  • Don’t flaunt money or jewelry. This can make you an easy target for theft.
  • Carry only what you need. Leave extra money and cards in your hotel to avoid losing everything in a single theft.
  • The cobblestone streets can be tricky. Pay attention to avoid tripping or falling.
  • Use available racks or keep your bag secure and close to you. Don’t leave it unattended on a chair.
  • Knowing a few key phrases can be very helpful and improve your experience.
  • These ride services are traceable, which is safe and ensures you know the fare beforehand.
  • Use ride services like Uber for nighttime travel, even if it’s just a short distance.
  • If paying by credit card, make sure the card reader comes to you. Don’t let your card out of your sight.
  • Include essentials like Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, aspirin, and band-aids. Pharmacies are common but it’s good to be prepared.
  • Keep a digital copy of your passport in case it gets lost or stolen.
  • Keep a list of emergency numbers saved in your phone.
  • Don’t rely on tap water it may not always be safe. Keep bottled or filtered water.
  • In clubs, keep an eye on your drink and don’t leave it unattended.
  • In crowded places, move your backpack to the front to avoid pickpocketing.

By following these guidelines, you can better protect yourself and enjoy your time in Puerto Vallarta.

Contact Information

If things get messed up, be sure you have the right number to ask for help

Dial 911 in case of an emergency

Nearby Hospitals:

Hospiten Puerto Vallarta: +52 322 226 2080

Medassist Hospital Romantic Zone: +52 322 223 0656

CMQ Hospital Puerto Vallarta : +52 322 223 1919

Regional Hospital Puerto Vallarta: +52 322 299 5601

Vallarta Tourism Center: +52 322 221 2676


Are tourists safe in Puerto Vallarta?

Is Puerto Vallarta Safe? Yes, Puerto Vallarta is considered safe for tourists. However, as with traveling anywhere in the world, it’s important to be informed. Check your home country’s travel alerts before visiting, and while in Puerto Vallarta, be aware of what is going on around you.

Is it safe to walk in Puerto Vallarta at night?

Is Puerto Vallarta safe to walk around at night? We lived there for 2.5 years. Yes, it is safe to walk around Puerto Vallarta, day AND night.

Which is safer, Cancun or Puerto Vallarta?

Safety is an important factor for people visiting Mexico. It’s a vast country and some parts of it are safer than others. In terms of traveling safely in Mexico, you can’t find two better destinations than Puerto Vallarta or Cancun. Both are top choices for those looking to travel safely within Mexico.

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